Universities Tour
GAM is a proud partner of UCL Leaders and first ever London Universities Tour for high school students.
Together with students we will visit UCL- University College London, LSE ( London School of Economics), King’s College London, Imperial College and Queen Mary University,
You can join the workshops and take part in this global conference!
Join our FB event to stay up to date!
If you would like to become an Ambassador of UCL Leaders in your school, collect a poster and your Ambassador Badge contact Karolina Sosnowska at londonuniversities2023@gmail.com
Become Ambassador of London Universities Tour 2023!
Maks Janowski
If you would like to be the Ambassador of London Universities Tour 2023 at your school, please fill in the form or contact Karolina Sosnowska at londonuniversities2023@gmail.com
- we will send you a poster and a personal badge!